About NH Radical History

This website’s origin was Arnie Alpert’s idea to organize a “radical history tour” of New Hampshire, with stops at sites such as the African Burial Ground in Portsmouth, the Cocheco Mill in Dover, and the Boscawen jail where the Attorney General sent people who refused to cooperate with his investigation into “subversive activities.”  The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic put at least a temporary halt to the idea of a tour.  Instead, Arnie thought a map would do.  As the list of potential sites grew, the idea for this website emerged.  It is mostly Arnie’s creation, with lots of help.

Arnie Alpert is a long-time New Hampshire activist, organizer, trainer, and writer, mostly known for his 39 years with the American Friends Service Committee’s NH Program, from which he retired in 2020.  Prior to that he was a member of the Clamshell Alliance’s office collective.  Over the years he has written hundreds of articles for newsletters, newspapers, magazines, and websites.  Since 2010 he has blogged at InZane Times.  Arnie is a member of the National Writers Union.

Arnie is grateful to Judy Elliott for graphic design assistance and editorial advice, hasOptimization for web design, Rini Templeton for graphics, and lots of others for research assistance, fact-checking, and ideas for stories.  Above all, he is grateful to the radical activists whose stories he is trying to tell.

The political boundaries of what we now call “New Hampshire” exists in N’dakinna, which is the traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki, Pennacook and Wabanaki peoples past and present. NH Radical History acknowledges and honors with gratitude the land and waterways and the alnobak (people) who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations.

Unless otherwise indicated, Arnie is responsible for the website’s content.  Please use the Contact form to send corrections or suggested additions, ideas for additional stories, or any other advice.